Welcome to part 2 of
Planting Herbs for summer series.The reason that lavender is so famous among gardeners is because of its aromatic and edible flowers.
Lavender flowers can be eaten in salads or can be added to soups, or you can use it for seasoning or you can brew it into tea. Lavender can even be added to perfume (some believe it have aphrodisiac qualities). Its dry flowers gives fragrance for long period of time. Essence made from lavender flowers is very popular among rich and famous. With such a huge list of qualities no wonder Lavender makes to the cover of so many
home garden magazines.
Plant selection.
You can grow lavender from seed but only very few species would come true. There are many varieties of lavender plants available in the market. While Spanish lavender is known for its beautiful dark purple flowers, Hidcote and Munstead are two varieties famous for their hardy nature and are best suited for cold climates. Provence is famous for its sweet fragrance and Grosso for its camphor like smell and tapered flower head. Choose the variety that's most suitable for your climate. Your local nursery can help in this.
Site selection.
- Choose a well drained ground which receives at least 5-6 hours of sunlight daily.
- Soil should be well mulched and free from any kind of weeds.
- When planting in a pot make sure the soil does not hold water, rot root is one of the common problems in lavender plants.
- Use a loose, soil-less mix for planting, put some gravel on the bottom.
- Take the plants and set them 12 inches apart in a well drained soil.
- Make sure there is plenty of open space for the plant to get enough sunlight and air.
- Mulch the area around the plant but leave one inch of gap around the plant.
- Water thoroughly.
- Keep the soil on the dry side as rot rotting a known problem with the plant.
- Water the plants when the top of the soil appears dry.
- No need to give fertilizer to ground lavenders.
- Protect the plants from harsh winter. Planting them next to stones and bricks gives them extra heat during the winter.
- Plants extends the life of the lavender and should be done just after the bloom.
- Cut about one-third of the plant but leave some leaves on.
Tip on Cut flowers.
- Lavender makes best cut flowers when the cut is taken as soon as the bud starts opening.
- Hang the plants upside down on a rope and let them dry.
Some facts about lavender
- Latin Name: Lavendula angustifolia
- Family: Labiatae
- Common name: English Lavender
- Climate range: Temperate, Cool
- Aspect range: Full sun, Half sun
- Full height: 2-3 feet
- Flowering Season: Summer
other posts in this series:
Planting Herbs for summer - part 1: MintPlanting Herbs for summer - part 3: Basilother series:
Growing beautiful plants this summer from bulbs